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Bug: A few copies of Practices for Scaling... are missing pages 211-242 (printer error). Tell me if so; we'll send a replacement. New: Lean Primer: Free 45+ page introduction to lean thinking. Intro video. Usually consulting; sometimes speak or coach interesting public courses. Educator resources. CN version here. Recommended readings.

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Craig Larman

Author of some popular texts on agile methods and on software analysis & design:

My current focus is scaling lean and agile methods for a single product group of 200 to 2000 people (Asia, Europe & NA—usually multisite including offshore), and large (10,000+ people) enterprise transformations to lean and agile methods. Collecting these as Large-Scale Scrum. Much of my work is in large embedded systems (telecomm, control systems, printers, ...), investment banking, and energy and exploration industries.

What's New

  • Sample FEATURE TEAMS chapter from new book—We've provided the sample chapter on Feature Teams here.

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my hobby is very bad jokes; you were warned ;)


some of my books...
