WARNING: These resources are to support not-for-profit academic courses in colleges. They are not for commercial or industry courses. If you are creating a commercial course, please do not use these diagrams or resources.
PLEA: I collect and share exams and exercises created by other college educators. Please share your material with me, so that everyone can benefit.
I've set up a Wiki page where educators add links to their material related to this book, and their contact data. I also list the names and email addresses of some educators who have used the book. Please consider adding to it, to share your material with other instructors.
Sample chapters for download
- All diagrams, embedded in PPT files (one per chapter) in Visio and WMF format and sample PowerPoint lecture modules are at my FTP server:
- FTP Server: impala.dreamhost.com
- Username: guest7
- Password: password7
- folder: educators
- Sample exams, etc. – Only qualified educators can receive these. Please email Craig mailto:craig@craiglarman.com